jiu jitsu

#195 Lifting, weight gods and performance

For those of us who hit the gym 3-5 days a week, we have all experienced the following:

The day where no weight can hold you down, everything you attempt magically goes up, you break records and can’t wait to get back in the gym or tell someone about your accomplishment.

Alternatively we have had the day where we regret even going to the gym. The mere act of showing up seems to require effort, you want to skip your warm up and just be done with your lift, and rather than feeling like you’re getting stronger you receive the opposite effect. “What a waste” you think…

The rest of the days are somewhat mundane and hardly memorable, like much of life itself.

What stands out is that in order to have that day where the “weight gods” are on your side as you effortlessly breeze through weights you previously struggled with, it is no doubt a cumulative effect of all the other days.

In a time where people drink motivation out of containers labeled pre-workout because every lifting session “”must result in a PR” (personal record) this holds true. When faced with moments where your performance mentally and physically are sub-par at best, it’s important to remind yourself that it is in fact PART OF THE PROCESS and necessary to to reach your destination.

“Calm seas never made a good sailor.” -Franklin D. Roosevelt