jiu jitsu

#206 The gift of hard work

Today friend reminded me of the benefits that accompany coming home physically and mentally exhausted after a long day of work. Instantly I could recall the times I had been injured and unable to fully participate in my regular routine of lifting and Jiu Jitsu (sometimes twice a day) which led to difficulty sleeping.

Now, don’t get it twisted, I have NO trouble when it comes to sleep. I am simply pointing out that it is noticeably more difficult the less I train. It is also appropriate to mention that the night before I watched The Social Dilemma which touched on the effects of social media on our youth’s anxiety, depression, etc… Who would’ve thought staring at screens more and being less physically active could have a negative impact!? Levity aside, I encourage those who haven’t seen to watch the film. It is informative and well done to say the least.

While I do not profess to be qualified to advise those dealing with such issues, there is something to be said physically, spiritually and emotionally for the reward of a hard days work, and a hot shower after a good meal. “Our perception is our reality after all” and when your eyes are glued to a screen and the world within, is it possible that one begins to lose touch with their own tangible world?