
Daily blog #65

A body in motion…

Today I woke up to find that my parents both of whom are 67 years of age, had hiked to the top of Brian Head Peak in Utah, a whopping 11 thousand and some feet! Given their age, it’s a considerable accomplishment not to say that they are old by any means but I’ll guess you don’t know too many 67 year who are up to the challenge. Heck I can think of plenty of 20 year olds who wouldn’t make it! Needless to say, it’s inspiring to me and I am proud of them. I can only hope that you, the reader, are motivated in some way.

As I get older I become more reflective and can only look back and consider how their influences have affected me. Since I can remember they have always been active, from a young age we were made very familiar with the outdoors and playing. My mom made sure to take us to parks and on walks or try new sports, never with an emphasis on competing or winning.

They also were almost always surrounded by young people whether it was the orphanage my mom helped build or my Dad’s English students we had friendships with. It’s only fitting that my brother Steve and I have found ourselves in similar enough roles being involved in Athlete Performance and Kids Jiu Jitsu at Team Hargett. The point of this I’m not sure but if it’s indication I’m on the right track I’ll take it. Good job parents XO